The Source Security Working Group serves as a strong voice for fair and rational policies at the federal and state level, pursuing a variety of goals that include protecting the U.S. isotope supply, ensuring our laws and policies are informed and science-based, and supporting federal research opportunities.

Engage Congress

Petition your representatives today. Join us as a strong voice for fair and rational policies regarding isotope issues at the federal and state level, pursuing a variety of goals that include protecting the U.S. isotope supply, ensuring our laws and policies are informed and science-based, and supporting federal research opportunities.

In the Media

Be up to speed with the latest in news surrounding isotope technology policy. Also take a look at our collection of informational products and educational tools such as bill comparisons, issue briefings and white papers, budget summaries, and legislative analyses.

Alliance Activities

Through targeted, direct action, we seek to support and maintain American technological excellence in the nuclear and isotope community. It is critical to protect the U.S. isotope supply, by ensuring our laws and policies are informed and science-based, and support federal research opportunities.